Ozoemena Joseph Chukwu – Beyond Big Brother!

That former Big Brother Naija star, Ozoemena Joseph Chukwu is everybody’s favourite gentleman isn’t surprising anymore! His calm aura and welcoming smile were the first things we noticed when he walked into our offices for this production. He talks with us passionately about his love for sports and the business side of it. We also […]

10 Golden Rules Of Personal Branding

Creating a personal brand can be a daunting, mythical task. And one of the easiest ways to get lost in the process is to not know where to start. Even Oprah Winfrey began by going through several style iterations on a small local show before defining her voice into one of the most influential personal […]

Brand Photography – Why It Is Important For Your Business/ Brand

Branding is more than just a logo, colours and fonts. Your visual identity is actually made up of lots of different elements, including photography, but what is brand photography, why is it important and how can you get some for your own brand? What is brand photography? Brand photography is a suite of professional images that represent your business visually, […]